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| less than a minute read

Are cows happy?

Are we getting McDonalds? Can I eat the food on your plate? Where does Santa go on holiday? Are jelly babies made from real babies? Can I eat this sweet I found on the floor? Where do babies come from? Can I eat mud? Are cows happy? Why is the sky blue? Can I eat a half chewed mini cheddar that my brother gave me?

Please leave me alone, I just want to have a wee in peace. Ask your sister. Please leave me alone, I just want finish my cup of tea. Ask your Mum. I really don't know. Please leave me alone, I just want to have a wee in peace. Ask your Dad. Please leave me alone, I just want to not have to answer any more questions.

Objectively unleash maintainable infomediaries before backward-compatible e-markets. Quickly disintermediate long-term


news, pdt01, argentina, bolivia